01. Introduction


M3L501 Introduction HS 1 V1

Important links

  • I partnered with Udacity and Manning to give all students of this Nanodegree the opportunity to obtain a copy of my book at a 40% discount. The more perspectives you get on deep reinforcement learning, the better for you. If you'd like to give it a try, go get chapter 01 for free here. Make sure to use the discount code: 'gdrludacity40' at checkout for a 40% off.
  • I'm very proud to work for Lockheed Martin. Working for a company that does work that matters with a huge impact on the lives of many people is very rewarding (no pun intended.) If you are interested in joining us, check out this link. We are always looking for talented individuals with experience in AI (and deep reinforcement learning).
  • Last, but not least. I'm an Instructional Associate at Georgia Tech for the Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making graduate course available on the OMSCS program that Udacity helped launch. If you'd like more information regarding this program, take a look here.